Sunday, January 10, 2010

Local TV's Demise

. . . is greatly exaggerated.

Recently there has been a number of articles talking about the future of television. Some have even said free, over the air, broadcast TV's days are numbered. I beg to differ.

Just this weekend I watched some great NFL playoff games and a tremendous college basketball game in the comfort of my home, for free in HD clarity. Yes, I paid a cable provider but I could have raised an antennae and received the same games. As long as there is live sporting events and as long as a community requires news and information about their community, in their community; local broadcast television will survive.

Local television will evolve. Viewers will continue to demand news, information and entertainment when they want on the delivery vehicle they want. They also want their trusted brand to bring it to them.

Entertainment programs and non-live content events are ripe for time shifting. News and live sports are less so. This will result in the top local stations being less identified with the network affiliate or their syndicated program and more identified with the programming they produce for their community.

The next decade will be the renaissance of local broadcast television. It won't be the same. It will be better.

1 comment:

  1. I can remember when there was more of a community feel with the local stations. Channel 3 put the Sunset Symphony on for years. Due to costs and/or lack of sponsorship, it went away. The WMC stations sponsored the Fourth of July picnic and fireworks display for a long time. Not any more. (The radio stations are now part of a different group.)

    I'm looking forward to the stations being more about community and not always about the bottom line.
